Local Health & Fitness Business Videos
Free Breast & Cervical Screenings for Women Rockland County Breast Health Partnership - Provides breast and cervical cancer screenings at no cost to women who are uninsured or cannot pay for these services. These services include:
Clinical breast examination by a medical professional which includes self-examination instructions for women age 18 and older. Pap and pelvic exam for women age 18 and older.
Screening mammography for women age 40 and older. Screening mammography for women younger than age 40 with a family or personal history of breast cancer. Rockland Unit of the American Cancer Society One Executive Blvd. Suite 206 Suffern, New York 10901 Local Office: (845) 368-1252
State Health Department Issues New Diabetes Resource Guide
ALBANY, N.Y. - The New York State Department of Health today announced the release of a newly revised resource guide, Children with Diabetes: A Resource Guide for Families and Schools. The guide is designed to assist families, school administrators, school nurses, teachers, and other personnel as they work together to care for children with diabetes and help prevent diabetes in children at risk for the disease. Children with Diabetes: A Resource Guide for Families and Schools is available on the State Health Department's website.
Rockland County Nurse Recognition Committee
Rockland County Health Forum